Interface Summary | |
ClassFile.FixUp | A throw-in interface that marks ClassFile.CodeAttribute.Offset s
as "fix-ups": During the execution of
ClassFile.CodeAttribute.fixUp() , all "fix-ups" are invoked and
can do last touches to the code attribute.
Compiler.ClassFileHandler | |
IClassLoader | Loads an IClass by type name. |
Java.BlockStatement | Base of all statements that can appear in a block. |
Java.Locatable | This interface is implemented by objects which are associated with a location in the source code. |
Java.Scope | |
Opcode | Definitions of Java bytecode opcodes. |
Class Summary | |
ClassBodyEvaluator | Parses a class body and returns it as a java.lang.Class object ready for use with java.lang.reflect. |
ClassFile | An object that represents the JavaTM "class file" format. |
ClassLoaderIClassLoader | An IClassLoader that loads IClass es through a reflection
ClassLoader . |
Compiler | A simplified substitute for the javac tool. |
Descriptor | Helper class that defines useful methods for handling "field descriptors" (JVMS 4.3.2) and "method descriptors" (JVMS 4.3.3). |
EvaluatorBase | Utilities for the various "...Evaluator" classes. |
EvaluatorBase.ByteArrayClassLoader | This classes publishes the ClassLoader 's "defineClass()" method. |
ExpressionEvaluator | An expression evaluator that evaluates expressions in JavaTM bytecode. |
IClass | A simplified equivalent to "java.lang.reflect". |
Java | This wrapper class defines classes that represent the elements of the JavaTM programming language. |
Java.AmbiguousName | This class is special: It does not extend/implement the Atom subclasses, but overrides Atom's "to...( |
Java.ArrayAccessExpression | This class implements an array access. |
Java.ArrayInitializer | Represents a JavaTM array initializer (JLS 10.6). |
Java.ArrayType | Representation of a JavaTM array type (JLS 10.1). |
Java.Assignment | |
Java.Atom | Abstract base class for Java.Type , Java.Rvalue and
Java.Lvalue . |
Java.BasicType | Representation of a JavaTM "basic type" (obviously equaivalent to a "primitive type") (JLS 4.2). |
Java.BinaryOperation | Representation of all non-operand-modifying JavaTM binary operations. |
Java.Block | Representation of a JavaTM "block" (JLS 14.2). |
Java.BooleanRvalue | Base class for Java.Rvalue s that compile better as conditional
branches. |
Java.BreakableStatement | Base class for statements that can be terminated abnormally with a "break" statement. |
Java.BreakStatement | Representation of the JavaTM "break" statement (JLS 14.14). |
Java.Cast | |
Java.CatchClause | |
Java.ClassDeclaration | |
Java.ClassLiteral | |
Java.ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration | |
Java.CompilationUnit | Holds the result of Parser.parseCompilationUnit() .
Java.ConditionalExpression | |
Java.ConstructorDeclarator | |
Java.ConstructorInvocation | |
Java.ContinuableStatement | |
Java.ContinueStatement | Representation of the JavaTM "continue" statement (JLS 14.15). |
Java.Crement | Objects of this class represent represent one pre- or post-increment or decrement. |
Java.DoStatement | |
Java.ExpressionStatement | |
Java.FieldAccessExpression | This class implements class field access. |
Java.FieldDeclarator | This class is derived from "Statement", because it provides for the initialization of the field. |
Java.FormalParameter | |
Java.ForStatement | |
Java.FunctionDeclarator | Abstract base class for Java.ConstructorDeclarator and
Java.MethodDeclarator . |
Java.IfStatement | |
Java.Instanceof | |
Java.InterfaceDeclaration | |
Java.Invocation | |
Java.LabeledStatement | |
Java.Literal | |
Java.LocalVariableDeclarationStatement | |
Java.Lvalue | Representation of an "lvalue", i.e. an expression that has a type and a value, and can be assigned to: An expression that can be the left-hand-side of an assignment. |
Java.MethodDeclarator | |
Java.MethodInvocation | |
Java.NewArray | |
Java.NewClassInstance | |
Java.ReferenceType | |
Java.ReturnStatement | |
Java.Rvalue | Representation of an "rvalue", i.e. an expression that has a type and a value, but cannot be assigned to: An expression that can be the right-hand-side of an assignment. |
Java.Statement | |
Java.SuperclassMethodInvocation | |
Java.SwitchBlockStatementGroup | |
Java.SwitchStatement | |
Java.SynchronizedStatement | |
Java.ThisReference | |
Java.ThrowStatement | |
Java.TryStatement | |
Java.Type | Representation of a JavaTM type. |
Java.UnaryOperation | This class implements the unary operators "+", "-", "~" and "!". |
Java.VariableDeclarator | |
Java.WhileStatement | |
Mod | This class defines constants and convenience methods for the handling of modifiers as defined by the JVM. |
Parser | Implementation of a simplified compiler for the JavaTM programming language. |
ReflectionIClass | An implementation of IClass using "java.lang.reflect". |
Scanner | Splits up a character stream into tokens and returns them as
String objects. |
Scanner.Location | |
ScriptEvaluator | An expression evaluator that evaluates expressions in Java bytecode. |
Exception Summary | |
Java.CompileException | An exception that reflects an error during compilation. |
Parser.ParseException | An exception that reflects an error during parsing. |
Scanner.ScanException | An exception that reflects an error during parsing. |
The classes in this package pose the core of the Janino JavaTM compiler.
The package comprises a scanner (Scanner
, a parser
) and a class file library. The parser builds a
syntax tree from the "Java.*" classes that represents the parsed code. The
method compiles this syntax
tree into a ClassFile
object, which can write
JavaTM bytecode to an "OutputStream".